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Supply Crate – Jahn

Jahn requested a Supply Crate for himself to enjoy. He told us quite a bit about his service in the Army in his request:

412th asb was a ever present ever ready combat aviation unit we served were we were needed all across Iraq I personally and my company served in basrah counter insurgency in 2007 also had some personal in camp taji we also were in balad serving for maintenance for chinooks Blackhawk apaches we supplied Patriot missiles also pulled security and combat ops missions 24/7 prior to becoming 412th we were The big red one !!! We made sure we were ready to provide air support and save lives everyday

Thanks for all you did while serving, Jahn. Now it sounds like you could use a Supply Crate, so we loaded up a console and some games into a box to ship off for Jahn. He replied to us once the package was received:

Thank you stack up ! Thank you Ian !
Love you guys you’re the best !

You are welcome!

DJSoundstorm sponsored Jahn's Supply Crate. DJSoundstorm has been a great supporter of Stack Up and even participated in this year's Call to Arms LIVE event, which we'll be posting up a video of soon. Thanks for fundraising and thanks to all who donated to DJSoundstorm's fundraiser. Check him out on Twitch.

The end of the year is nigh! We're close to our goal. If you are interested in helping us get there, donate to our DonorDrive page. Share with family and friends, or save our page and join us next year as we fundraise again.

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