Today's Supply Crate update is from a rather upbeat applicant who has had quite the time getting his Military start. As such, we wanted to make sure we included an inspiring quote for this update:
A famous explorer once said that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. - Tomb Raider

The recipient of this crate and his unit have dealt with the Coronavirus pandemic from day 1 of training. From COVID delaying his bootcamp dates to quarantines and infections. Despite all of that, he has a pretty upbeat and determined to succeed attitude about it along with the rest of his unit. Read about his journey below:

We are the 2020 COVID Bootcamp graduates! 2020 was supposed to be my year. It was my graduation year, the year I would join the military and become a Marine. I became a Marine but NOT without fighting for it. My entry dates kept getting pushed back because of COVID, then immediately after I shipped to bootcamp I ended up testing positive for COVID and had to stay behind in quarantine while the rest of my group from DEP went ahead. We trained together and now I was alone. I got past this and then about 5 weeks in I got a severe infection that left me with limited movement in my hand. I got through that and right before the crucible it came back. I pushed through that because I wanted to be a Marine and I did it. No family at graduation and no leave due to COVID so we shipped right off to ITB school. For the third time I got an infection, this time it was a really bad case of cellulitis. Nothing will stop me. I got past that and completed ITB. I went in as a rifleman and moved on to 29 palms Ca. While there they asked me if I want to train to be a Machine Gunner. I say what the hell! Now I am out with the rest of my COVID crew on our first training deployment. We did it! The supply crate would help me and the guys pass the time and get our minds off all we are missing. Lots of things are still closed and off-limits due to COVID and it gets boring really quickly in our spare time. We are a group of young Marines that had a lot taken away but we MADE it!

It hasn't been an easy time for this Marine and his buddies, but hopefully, we can help that out with a Supply Crate. COVID messed with our troops, especially those fresh into the military, as they were often quarantined and dealing with delay after delay. Not to mention, many were unable to see their families for longer periods than usual. Many might give up at the first signs of major difficulties, but these Marines kept pushing.
I am sorry it took me so long to send a photo. The Supply Crate actually arrived the day I left for Resolute Dragon 21 in the field. We just got back today and this made my day! Thank you so much to my donor and the Stack Up organization. Awesome Christmas gift!

If you're curious about what Resolute Dragon is, check out this article about it. Keep up the great attitude, Isaac!
Dreamwarrior sponsored this crate. Dreamwarrior has been a great supporter of Stack Up, and he puts on quite the great show whenever he fundraises for us. Definitely check him out.

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