In today's Supply Crate update, Active Duty Marine, Gary was nominated for a gaming care package for being an all-around great guy.
Gary is a very dedicated Marine and a great guy. He's been on multiple deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He's always willing to help out a fellow Marine and a friend when they are in need. When I was diagnosed with cancer, he traveled across many states in order to help me move, go through treatment, and help with my family. He's always been that way and was injured a few times overseas but never recognized for his injuries and or achievements while deployed. He just recently went through a tough divorce and was forced to sell a lot of his items including some of his collectables/games. He's currently seeing someone now that embraces his geekiness. As his friend and former Recon team mate I'm very happy for him right now. I believe receiving anything from this organization will boost his overall spirit and give him the drive to start playing again instead of thinking about his deployment/previous marriage history.
Thanks to his nominator for wanting to recognize Gary and get him something to show their appreciation for him as a person. We hope this console will give him plenty to do and enjoy and add a little brightness to his life.

Ian! Thanks for the reminder.
I have received the supply crate!!
Attached is the requested photo. I intend to send more once I get it setup and gaming. I had been meaning to get back to you but keep getting distracted. I have still not actually gotten the Xbox setup yet, as we are moving into a new place, but here are the initial pictures of unboxing.
Thanks again to yourself, and everyone else supporting the program. I am looking forward to getting in some time gaming once things slow down a bit for me.
Sounds like Gary is busy getting his life together in a better spot already. May his new console serve him well.

Gary's Supply Crate was sponsored by REGIMENT. REGIMENT is a gaming organization that brings Veterans and Active Duty Military members together through gaming, especially esports. If you're looking to game with some Military folks and perhaps find people who can play team games together with, they're a good group to try. Learn more on their website.
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