Good morning or afternoon, depending on where you are in the world. We have yet another Supply Crate to tell you all about. The request for this one came from a Navy Veteran named Francis. Francis told us a little bit about himself in his request:
I'm a US Navy Veteran that served as a Machinist Mate for USS Wayne E Meyer, was deployed three times, and was diagnosed with PTSD before I got out. There are better qualified candidates than me for this program, I'm only sending a request due to my nature of loving video games, as it helps me connect with other people as I usually cannot anymore and it helps escape reality even for just a little moment. Being unemployed since I got out it became harder to acquire something new and have been playing with the same old laptop for 6 years.
We have a few Navy Veterans on the team here at Stack Up, and obviously, we love video games too. *nudge nudge* Get it? We're a gaming charity. After getting a Supply Crate out to Francis, he responded:
Thank you so much for the early Christmas gift! I really appreciate it! And thank you to BabyFNelson for sponsoring this. I wish you all a happy holidays!

Thank you Francis for all of the amazing pictures. Really took us back to those days on a Naval vessel, and how fantastic that ocean looked.
The sponsor of this crate was BabyFNelson. Thank you for your participation in our Call to Arms V fundraising.
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