Welcome to the week. We hope everything you have going on goes well for you. Today's Supply Crate update came from Dustin, a former and now medically retired Supply NCO. He kept his request short but sweet:

Served as a Supply NCO in the Battalion S4 and took care of my soldiers faithfully for years until I was medically retired.
Hard work deserves a little reward, yes? We can easily give a Supply Crate for that.
This is amazing!! I am in disbelief and shock thank you so much!!!
We write so many of these updates and send out so many Supply Crates that we forget sometimes that we can seem unreal. It's always a good reminder to know we really do send out gaming care packages to Vets and Active Duty Military.

Eweaselbeth sponsored Dustin's Supply Crate. Thanks to Eweaselbeth and her fantastic community for helping us make this Supply Crate happen! You can find her on Twitch.
Want to help us send out more Supply Crates? Get started by signing up for a DonorDrive page and get fundraising!