Stack Up

Jan 2, 20182 min

Stack Up Announces the Stack Up Overwatch Program

Stack Up is pleased to announce the Stack Up Overwatch Program (STOP)
An initiative to bring awareness to suicide prevention and promote positive mental health.

In accordance with Stack Up’s mission of bringing comfort and friendship to veterans coping with PTSD or transitioning back into civilian life, the Stack Up Overwatch Program consists of veteran and civilian volunteers called the STOP Squad who will be available 24/7/365. They will provide members of the Stack Up community with a variety of resources that promote mental health and suicide prevention, as well as provide a shoulder to lean on should they need someone to talk to.

Through our partnership with PsychArmor Institute, applicants to the program will be put through a set of pre-selected courses. Upon completion, applicants will receive a practical evaluation on how they handle themselves in a crisis. Once they have passed muster they will be given a position as a STOP Squad Member. They will also be required to attend HIPAA training.

Stephen Machuga, CEO and Founder of Stack Up said, “Our STOP Squad has already been talking with several at-risk individuals within our community struggling with the holidays; I can already see that STOP will be a critical piece of Stack Up’s mission of supporting veterans with gaming.”

The program is led by Elvis Walden, Assistant Stack Director and leader of the Austin TX Stack; Rob Trepiccione, Stack leader for Raleigh NC and Therapeutic Advisor Mat Bergendahl, MS, NCC, LPC.

Anyone who is a member of our community can apply to volunteer. Previous certifications in HIPAA, ASIST, QPR Gatekeeper, or similar crisis management background whether obtained through the military, law enforcement or EMS is preferred, but not required. Interested parties may apply here.

For more information, please join our Discord at to talk with one of the STOP Squad members.

Services offered by Stack Up or the members of the STOP Squad are intended to advocate and educate and should not be construed as a medical or psychiatric consultation.

About Stack Up:

Founded in 2015, Stack-Up (TAX ID: 47-5424265) brings both veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video gaming. Stack-Up serves United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and NATO veterans through three primary programs: The Stacks, Supply Crates, and Air Assaults. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@stackupdotorg).

About PsychArmor Institute:

Facebook and Twitter (@PsychArmor), or visit

#suicideprevention #mentalhealth #veterans #VeteranSupport #military
